Tuesday 9 June 2020

Being Working Millennial

Source : Pinterest

Hey I’m back! The last time I wrote on my blog when I was still galau-ing about getting employed. It’s probably going to be the long lost next episode. And here’s the short story of being a Working Millennial for these past 3 years (already???). A slight reminder, kalo apa yang diceritain di bawah ini purely based on my personal experience. Jadi, kalo ada kemiripan nama, tokoh, sebutan, insight, perspektif bahkan the whole story, mon maap mungkin kita imprint atau kembar yang tertukar. Atau bahkan kalau 100% kontra dari sobat online semua, mon maap mungkin kita yang tak sama tapi Tuhan tetap Satu.

Setelah proses pencarian kerja, yang Alhamdulillah-nya ga sampe bener-bener nganggur ya karena setelah lulus langsung keterima magang dengan dapat uang saku, akhirnya berlabuh di salah satu perusahaan keluarga (swasta lokal) terbesar di Indonesia. Sebagai Management Trainee. Dari awal gue memang banyak melamar untuk menjadi MT, karena dari yang gue baca, MT adalah salah satu program percepatan karir di sebuah perusahaan dengan tahun-tahun awal akan melakukan beberapa proses training yang mana menurut gue cocok untuk freshgrad. Intinya, gue yang saat itu masih agak blank soal dunia karir, it’s a good shot to be driven by MT program in the early years.Akhirnya offering juga setelah kurang lebih 2 bulan proses recruitment dan bolak balik izin. Buat surat resign lah gue setelah 7 bulan magang.

Awalnya kami ber-10, dua orang tidak tanda tangan kontrak artinya mengundurkan diri, dan akhirnya jadilah kami ber-8. Tahun pertama dilalui dengan beberapa training yang mengharuskan kami membuat progress report 3 bulanan dan final project di bulan ke-12. Dua tahun berikutnya kami diikat dalam kedinasan. Program MT ini total selama 3 tahun, yang mana jika resign sebelum waktu yang ditentukan, maka diharuskan membayar penalti sesuai dengan kesepakatan dalam kontrak. Untuk program MT ini kami langsung ditempatkan di unit usaha (bukan holding) dan langsung ditempatkan di satu departemen tertentu. Gue di departemen Sales & Marketing. Wow, apa itu bagian Sales & Marketing. Gue ga akan menceritakan terkait detail pekerjaan apalagi sampai ke jobdesc-nya. Karena tentunya setiap perusahaan akan berbeda. Kayaknya lebih enak ceritanya dikasih alur pake tahun pertama, kedua, dan ketiga ya. FYI, per Juni 2020 ini, my MT Program will end soon. It means that, the penalty will be gone.

First year.
  • Opening new page of a new book.
Tahun pertama intinya adalah mengosongkan gelas kita. Gue yang baru ada pengalaman magang saja, belum jadi employee seutuhnya, bener-bener memanfaatkan masa-masa MT ini untuk belajar, probasi, dan adaptasi tentunya. Pekerjaan belum banyak, gue belum boleh pegang customer dulu, jadi masih ngintilin salah satu sales yang juga di-assign sebagai mentor gue saat itu. Lagipula memang masih disibukkan oleh training-training dari HO dan presentasi per tiga bulan. Gue isi gelas tiap hari dengan air berbagai rasa, jadi isi gelasnya campur-campur.
  • Sub chapter of the first main chapter.
Nah, baru 7 bulan di dept ini, kemudian gue dipindah atau bisa dibilang diangkat menjadi Project Management Officer (PMO). Tidak belong to department tertentu, tapi mengikut ke bagian Direksi, karena waktu itu ada pergantian CEO. Wah, tantangan baru. Sebelumnya posisi ini belum pernah ada, jadi tugas gue adalah menjadi kaki tangan indra semuanya deh dari Direksi (utamanya CEO). Semua project gue direct report ke CEO. Bahkan juga membuat company report untuk HO. Sampai project akhir gue untuk program MT dan lulus ya sebagai PMO.

Second year.
  • Ground-basing.
Mulai memahami PMO itu seperti apa, do some (a lot of) mistakes and learn again. Mulai menganalisis kondisi perusahaan, berusaha mengusulkan project baru. Sekaligus juga meningkatkan soft skill melalui experience dalam menjalani pekerjaan itu sendiri. Benar-benar belajar dunia profesional di korporasi seperti apa, ini toh namanya jadi karyawan...

Third year.
  • Make a leap.
Di bagian ini, beberapa project gue sudah berjalan. Dan ada satu project gede, from my own perspective sih gede ya, yang sudah dijalankan dari awal tahun dan di pertengahan tahun sudah mulai kelihatan akan mengarah kemana. I found it a thrilling, challenging, yet sensitive project. Tapi seru sekali menjalaninya dengan dream team (think tank team sih for the exact), dari hasilnya menurut gue sangat bisa membantu dan memberikan perspektif terhadap keadaan aktual di lapangan kepada BoD. Dari hasil project ini melahirkan beberapa project atau initiative turunan.Pokoknya di tahun ketiga ini, dengan sudah memiliki base yang cukup (walaupun masih dibilang minim) terkait PMO dan role yang gue jalanin itu seperti apa, gue ngerasa di cara gue kerja itu lebih sistematis dan firm terhadap goalsnya. Start to plan a bigger leap ahead!

That was a long story short of my MT program experience. Dari obrolan bareng manteman gue yang ikut program MT juga dari korporasi lain, kurang lebih sih begitu. Balik lagi, it depends on you how you want to start your career, mau lewat MT program atau engga. Cek en ricek lagi aja plus minusnya, karena masa program, isi kontrak, rules, bahkan nama programnya aja tiap korporasi bisa beda walaupun intinya sama-sama MT, ya.

Dah ini mau bridging ke sub tema berikutnya.

Kalau ini sih mau ceritain rasanya Nadia jadi karyawan kayak gimana. Sedikiiiiiit aja mau ceritain soal pengalaman bekerja, ya. Sesuai judulnya, jadi so-called Working Millennial.

Lika liku meeting
Meeting itu adalah sebuah pertemuan. Dengan pertemuan itu, tujuannya adalah mengumpulkan insight untuk memecahkan masalah atau mengatur merencanakan program kerja. Syarat wajib meeting yang baik itu harus ada yang ngundang, yang diundang, materi yang mau dibahas, dan yang paling penting goalnya sih. Syarat pelengkap yang bikin efektif efisien nya itu adalah tempat, waktu dan durasi, serta leader. Nah, ngikutin meeting menurut gue jadi pembelajaran seru nan asik. Kenapa? Karena disini selain memang secara pengetahuan lo harus excel di bagian elu (that’s why lo diundang meeting), tapi juga jadi ladang belajar memahami co-workers, subordinates, atau atasan lo. Banyak hal lucu yang bikin meeting lo tuh ga ada gong-nya gitu. 

1. Leaderless, wasting kinda empty
Dari anggota yang hadir meeting itu gatau siapa leadernya. Kalau dari awal udah gini sih
hampir hopeless untuk beberapa menit ke depan. Wasting kinda empty terjadi biasanya karena either materi yang mau di-meeting-in kurang kongkrit atau peserta meeting-nya kurang paham sama materi yang mau dibahas. That’s why gue belajar tiap ada undangan meeting dicek siapa leadernya, pesertanya, materinya kalau bisa dibaca dulu sebelum meeting. Hal-hal itu beneran bisa bikin meeting-nya kelar lebih cepet dan ga hollow (pahpoh) gitu pas keluar ruangan. 

2. Zero follow-up on progress
Kalau proses meeting-nya udah caem, percuma sih kalo ga ada yang jalanin Minutes of Meeting (MoM) nya. Terus buat apa di-meeting-in, Jubedaaaaaah. Karena poin yang gue pelajarin, everyone’s time is matter and valued as it can contribute to progression. Dan menurut gue, everyone on that meeting is involved for the results. 

3. The way people talk or share what’s on their heads and how people solve problems.
Ini ga ada teknik khusus, tapi inget ga sih pelajaran PPKn pas SD (pas gue SD nama pelajarannya PPKn btw). Bab tentang musyawarah, nah tuh persis dah begitu ilmunya, they said “Utamakan kepentingan bersama di atas kepentingan pribadi”. Jangan nyela, jangan membentak (kecuali lo owner), jangan underestimate kerjaan orang lain, jangan judes (gue takut sama orang judes, ini gue sih ya), trying to see things in helicopter view (means don’t think in your own bubble), yang paling penting sih don’t take it personal, ya. Cause I’ve been working with (many) older co-workers dengan keseruan yang pasti berbeda saat meeting dengan yang seumuran atau lebih muda yaa. Karena terkadang, hal-hal yang ga terlalu esensial dari meeting-nya suka bikin situasi jadi kurang kondusif dan ga dapet goal yang di-set di awal. So, please mind your attitude.

Silo Mentality
Istilah ini gue baru tau semenjak kerja, suwer. Ternyata maksudnya apatis. Biarkan gue mencapai KPI dept gue, terserah yang laen. Kurang lebih gitu deh. Padahal kalau tiap dept/divisi/bagian di satu perusahaan mencar-mencar, sinerginya kurang, yaa bingung jadinya mau dibawa kemana hubungan ini. Jadi lempar-lemparan tanggung jawab, kalo ada yang tau gimana kita kerja jadi mentality nya “Ah nanti kerjaan gue diusik dikomentarin terus jadi blunder sekantor” Padahal mindset yang bener, kita saling jadi polisi masing-masing. Artinya saling nilai dan koreksi, tapi bukan untuk saling menyalahkan, tapi untuk perbaikan yang dihandle bersama. Untuk kebaikan perusahaan tempat ladang kita mencari nafkah. Gue belajar, this is somewhat an unconscious mentality. Jadi kalo lagi ngerasa gini, come on wake up, dude!

Sebenernya, masih banyaaaaaak banget kalau mau diceritain satu-satu sih ya rasanya jadi karyawan kayak gimana. Yang patut diingat adalah ini hasil yang sekitar tiga tahun lalu gue perjuangkan, ini proses yang perlu dijalankan untuk dapat kesempatan lainnya di depan nanti (aamiin). Mungkin perspektif orang bisa berbeda, mungkin perspektif gue di masa depan bisa berubah, by that means you grow. Dan ini sebenarnya bukan specifically kisah anak millennial ya. Gue pake judul kek gitu biar keliatan masa kiwari aja pake istilah ‘millennial’ dan nunjukin juga sih gue generasi apa. Proses kayak gini sih bisa dirasain dan dijalanin sama siapa aja dari generasi apa aja.

I’m proud of who I am today, I cherish all of my failures, I remind myself to stay hungry and foolish. Cliche, ya. But, that's an undoubted mantra you should say to yourself.

Friday 14 April 2017

The Pursuit of Job

After college is the turning point for a person to become young adult. After all the hecticness of finishing thesis, the tension of sidang and the euphoria of graduation, you come to this point. Yeah, where do you wanna go? What do you wanna do? Cause people would always asking, "Abis ini mau ngapain? Mau kerja dimana? Apa mau lanjut kuliah? Apa mau langsung nikah?" The pressure got more intense when your friends even the closest ones are already getting a job right after graduate. I personally kind of mainstream person who ideally have a plan to going to university after high school and going to get a permanent job after university, settle, married, have a kid, add another one, being old as a happy individual with the life-mate and die. So now, I'm in this period of life, attempting to get employed in a company or institution and making that company more profitable while I only get less than 1% of that. Sounds logical as I'm just a very little piece tiny of dust in this whole industry. 

At first, I felt so confident about my skill, especially my communication skill, that can help me to get a job easily. Those cool skills I got from college cause I did pass my college life quite well, not very extraordinary but it's beyond my expectation. Unfortunately, life happens not in your own straight plan. I got this opportunity to be an intern in Pertamina, I thought (until now) it's a good thing for me to kill time while I'm looking for the good one, and being paid is the most important. As an information, an internship program in Pertamina won't let you just be accepted as their employee right away, you still need to take the whole recruitment process (if it's opened) from the start. No no, don't be too confident that you are highlighted, their recruitment system is still not integrated, it means that the data of all intern doesn't integrates with the list of the applicants which registered at that time. You got my point, right? They wouldn't know whether you are ever be an intern or still be an intern or just a newcomer, unless you are 'dititipin' by someone internal. Heeem heeemm......

But after I 'nyemplung' in this kind of jobseeking, you know, there are thousands of people also did the same as you! What? Tens of thousands! Yeah, even more! And many of them are so skillful, a lot more than you, more attractive, their English so fluent, their experiences whoaaahhh you never imagined they really did too many things in only 4 years of college time. Then, this mean-drop-down thought came to me, "Gilak, Nad! Lo ga bakal kerja-kerja kalo kek gini. Saingan sama orang-orang macam gitu? Lo boleh mikir lo anak hebat, tapi mereka luar biasa! Tuh liat prestasinya kelas internasional semua, pengalaman magangnya aja bejibun itu pas kuliah lho, mana orangnya asik lagi, pinter ngomong, bisa adaptasi sama orang baru, komunikasinya beuuhhh, bermutu! Nah lo gimana, Nad?" Fyuuuhhh. 

I've been applied for more than hundred times, state-owned or private or multi national company, ada yang satu perusahaan sampe 2 kali tapi via different source (web or email), and been called by dozens but not all I can make it or just felt that I didn't have to go, yaa lot of reasons. Ada yang karena bentrok dan gabisa di reschedule atau emang karena pas tanya dan research sana sini yaa kurang bagus disitu. I can't tell every detail of my experiences from taking many companies recruitment process cause it needs days or weeks haha but I can make it short. In every recruitment, they have at least 3 steps, psikotest -  interview - med check or written test - FGD - interview, or maybe combination of them and it could be more than 3 steps, it's relative, depends on the company and their needs. In my experience, I've been failed in every single those steps and succeeded in many too. However, I'm still not settle yet. I've never experienced MCU or being offered yet. It's been 6 months... 

As a human being young adult, I feel disappointed, frustrated, wanna give up. But I choose to bounce back. I'm feeling grateful that I still have something to do, Good thing I still have income at least for my own expenses. If I only moan or grumble all the time, especially in social media (that's the un-coolest!), that'd only be making everything even worse. Deeply I feel calmer (when I had some rejections) after I keep reminding myself that Allah has plan, Allah knows me best. I believe that what I'm having now is something I deserve, it's the best that could happen to me at that time. I believe that by all the failures, Allah wants me to learn, to take something from that, to use up all the fails. I started not to overthink about 'pejuang' lainnya, what they had and what they got. It's a waste of energy. I learned that I just need to focus on my potency and passion. What do I really wanna do. Everyone has different life path, right? The bad thing is the pressure. People are so judgmental, and I hate knowing that they feel pity on me. It's just me still working out. People never have a clue about the process I've been doing. No one could understand and no one could really motivate me even just by saying "Tenang aja, rejeki ga kemana kok.". Bener deh. It's just me and myself. No. It's me and my own thought. I decide when I want to feel down and when I want to move on. And again, back to our Creator. Just let Him do the rest while we're taking our ass out there.

Tuesday 20 December 2016


Love is something we deserve. The power of love could break someone into pieces without even touch them, and at the same time it could lift someone up until they forget about the ground. Well, I found this man. We’ve been friend since the first year of college, yet we just ‘found’ each other in our last year. This is quiet unique. Our story started from the road, and our matchmaker is Proxy (Iyo’s motorcycle, stands for MegaPro Sexy).
Me and my friends were going to 3 days trip from mountain to beach, hiking to Andong peak and camping to Wediombo beach. We went there by motorcycle! Heeem so tepos~ and I was being set with Iyo. All the way we never stopped talking.  Uhm,  and also I slept on his shoulder after hiking while on our way to the beach :3 Maybe that caused us felt so um so…close?
Since then, I felt that Iyo was always everywhere. That kind of PDKT and stuffs. Giving me foods, jokes, attention, ride, and treats. Short story, we’re finally dating. And yeaayyy it’s already been A YEAR (and months)! I know it’s so ordinary to many people, but for me? It’s my longest relationship, EVER! And I hope it could be FOREVER ({})
Well, his name is Suryo Wiwoho. Iyo for short. 5 facts about Iyo:
1.       Total SLEEPYHEAD. He’s a quarter panda, a quarter bear, and a half hooman. I don’t know how long he needs to sleep. Every time I lose him on text, that every time is the time when he’s in a total sleep. It doesn’t matter how long does he’s already had good sleep or no enough sleep yet, when every time would possible, then befriend with the couch.
2.       Positive-minded. Your surroundings truly affect how you talk, how you act, and how you react. And Iyo would always break all your negativity. I ever told him about how pessimistic I am with some stuffs, or how I hate when something’s going on unplanned, or if I just told bad things about someone. He just laughs a little then says “heey udaah jangan gituuu bla bla bla. (sambil jitakin kepalaku)” How positive and how I love those jitakans.
3.       Family oriented. When we were still in courtship period and Iyo was in his home for holiday, he would put his phone away and texted me back rarely. However, he knew how to respect people around him, especially family. When he’s home, his body & soul are home also.
4.       Tenderly indulgent. Some people would say it’s because his ethnic, Javanese. But for me, ethnic doesn’t always define how someone’s behavior or how someone treat other person. Though Javanese people are known as their courtesy and politeness, Iyo is still Iyo, aside from his background and family. He doesn’t get angry easily, he’s good at making people comfort around him (makanya sering bikin cewek2 baper ya, Yooo), he never intimidate people. He is so loyal to people he cares about.
5.       Poor singer. I can’t stand how he sings. If it’s only lip-sync, I still can bare it. But. When we go karaoke-ing, big no LOL. Yet, I always looove how he interrupts my song, takes over the mic and steals my part. You know that in this world there will always be the good and the bad.
I love the idea about how he started to make an Instagram account. Because he wants to keep in touch with his friends after graduation, his old friends and his soon-to-be old friends. It’s not because he wanted to show his life off or make a trend setter or something. He just wanted to know how his friend’s life going. His favorite thing in this whole world is not me, but CHOCOLATE, and any kind of its processed products. He likes chocolate more with the cocoa content above 75%, dark chocolate and it tastes bitter. His loving sense can be identified from how he loves cats, even its whole Felidae family, like jaguar, tiger, leopard. He never pets one, but he used to feed ones anywhere he is. He is the kind of person who doesn’t force so hard to get his ambition, yet always try to do his best in every process he takes in.
Even if he’s not the most handsome or athletic man I’ve ever met, I believe this is faith which brought us together. I know that he is not my first date, yet he is the first man whom I’ve ever introduced to my parents officially. I wish that this is worth a lifetime. Yes, Suryo, it’s you.

Friday 16 December 2016


You know, having loyal friends is all that I needed. Living in Semarang as anak kosan altered me. Without
the people I knew, I never become the way I am now. Formerly, Semarang is just another city in Java Island, nothing special. It is the capital city of Central Java, with its large 144.27 sq mi and the population around 2 million (based on Wiki). I could add me as one of its people 4 years back. In my 18 years of lifetime, I can count how many times I visited Semarang. Extremely rare. I never thought it as one of my travel wish lists, like ever. Perhaps just passing it by when we want to visit Malang or Surabaya or even Bali. Yet, Semarang actually has some icon that you can visit to (you can Google it if you’re curious). Frankly, it’s not the talk about Semarang’s tourism sites, it’s something about the feeling and memories I left behind in Semarang. It’s a place where I left all of my adolescence stupidity, modesty, and nasty. Faith drove me there.

It was my first time living in a boarding house. Still fresh in my mind how I was scared of living alone, in a house with its people I barely know, going to a place I’d never been, getting know new people and trying to make them so-called friends. I cried in my room the day that my family left, 4 days before the first day at college. No, I didn’t show it. I didn’t wanna make them worried, I was (trying to be) strong.

I didn’t get back to home very often while in college, at least only 2 times a year. So that, friend role in that situation was so helping. My parents barely called me, I didn’t have any relatives in Semarang, I sometimes felt alone but free at the same time. I’d ever shared about my adventures with my best pals in this blog, yet it’s just a very little bit of everything that we’d had. My closest girlfriends are very touchy and melancholy about many things, yet some others are very firm even towards themselves. I also had boyfriends who are really hearty and home-felt. I didn’t have curfew, in some moments I stayed for a night in coffee shop until dawn with my boy pals, having deep talk and commenting life. Talking about friends is a never ending story. I thank Allah always for giving me super normal and inspiring people. 

When it comes to farewell, nothing beats the sorrow. Semarang isn’t just a city with Lawang Sewu or Sam Poo Kong or Bakpao Mega Jaya, or Paragon Mall or Ayam Bakar Madu, or Nasi Goreng Padang anymore. It moved me, formed me, and lifted me. I know that the Earth keeps spinning, the clock keeps ticking, and as long as the heart still gets the power to pump bloods, I live. Living means keep fighting. And fighting means keep forwarding. The day I left was the saddest moment, indeed. Even I had already booked train ticket for executive class, in order to make me sleep throughout the trip and forget about the farewell. Unfortunately, it failed. Sometimes, there's just no way to hold the river. I hardly stepped my feet off into the Bekasi station ground. *deep breath* I never thought that I could be so attached with Semarang like this. Thank you for welcoming me warmly (or hotly, it’s the climate) 4 years ago.

Semarang, Nadia’s signing off. See you in another occasion.

Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you, until we meet again!

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Organisatoris Based

What is organisatoris? Well, people might say that organisatoris people put their organization matter at the most priority.  No wonder that organisatoris is the person who is very critical to social issues. In my experience, I’ve never expected that I can be active in such college organization for 3 years in a row! It’s such an honour for me to be involved, be trusted, be given for many opportunities.
I’m writing this not because I can’t let go, I’m writing this because I’m ready to move, ready to give the estafet stick to the-person-who-may-concern, ready to make this become one of my best memories. As for me, I started my career as the organisatoris with the new spirit, no experience, willing to learn, and nothing-to-lose feeling. I just wanted to give it a try. From the organizations I was joining in, I met extraordinary people with different faces, appearances, personalities, perspectives, passions, skills, sense of humors, habits, and another every single thing of them, they are not alike for one another. For three years, it’s never been easy for me, but fortunately I made a family. So I never feel alone. Start from being an ordinary staff until I can be head of department in faculty level. I learned a lot of things. I understand that, GREAT WORK WILL PAID. Paid itself not always be refer to money, but I’m paid with so much experiences and wider perspective. I understand that, NETWORK IS IMPORTANT. Making friends, build a network is a good investment for social life. It’s nice knowing many people outside your own circle and they’ll know you back! I understand the better saying is, MANAGEMENT OF LAZINESS than MANAGEMENT OF TIME. Why?? Because, being an organisatoris means you have to give your time to organize many things above yours. You will get less sleep, less free time, less task time. Seems so negative ya, wait up don’t judge too fast, it means a lot of challenges coming up. I started to become more respect to time (even I know that until know I still be coming late or better, on time or earlier so rarely), not the most of time but how reducing the lazy time of mine. Managing time would be so general than managing laziness. If I succeed reducing laziness every single day, then I feel that I’m blessed.
From organization, I know that my passion in NIC (Networking, Information, Communication) field is so strong that I’ll never be this good if I were in another field.
Being involved in an organization really build me into something. I feel that I’m a different person than I am before. It changed me to be better and I’m so grateful that Allah gave me this chance. I learn how to run events, organize people, talk in front of many eyes staring at you. I learn how to deliver or propose something to Dekanat officer and external parties.
When I was a staff, both in BEM FT and HMTI, I started to open up and dare to go out from my box. I first learn how to deal with different people from various background which set their minds extremely opposite with me. I was showered with many tasks and new things to do, like having community services to the rural areas around, lobbying the bureaucrats, coordinating with friends from different universities and town. So enriching!
In the next year, I learn how to choose the people who are gonna be my squad for a year ahead and think about how to manage the program run well while still pay attention to my team. My privilege knowing busy people with strong minds and great thoughts like Fungsio HMTI 2014 and BEM FT 2015. Every single person has their own personal activities but never leaving their responsibility to serve and make good impact to others. Though we’re not that perfect, we have a good will that we still give our best. I worked with such extraordinary people. So overwhelming!

Departemen 4 Hubungan Luar HMTI 2013, the place where I could find ka Ethec, ka Rizka, ka Hadi, ka Hari, ka Ozi, ka Aro, ka Putri, ka Debora, Alm. ka Minu, Mega-Qiqi-Agil-Pebi-Cahya. Those amazing people taught me how to care to surroundings while having bestfriends around.

Departemen NIC BEM FT 2013, the place where I could find mas Indra, mas Adhit, mas Ila, mba Dea, mba Elga, mas Fajar, mas Yoel, Fanny, Ola, Ema, Laras, Wahyu, Suci, dan Madin. They made me though, they made me into someone I am right now, someone who dare to talk to public without nervous, someone who is not naive anymore.

Departemen 4 Hubungan Luar HMTI 2014, I finally found Hubluers soul in Ganes, Gita, Wisnu, Siti, Choti, Bani, Ega, Adri, dan Ricky. Then I had this amazingly suwung kadept-sekdept HMTI 2014, Chika-Dien, Judin-Mama, Bram-Tiwi, and Purwo-Ela. We always chaotic and very rebel not obeying the Kahim and Sekum hihi

My NIC BEM FT 2015, thank God I had you, Al-El-Dul, Addin, Brama, Debby, Nivar-Nisa-Dian, Ocha-Ipul-Dewi, Elis, Tya, and always be Madin. You guys are such a moodbooster and moodswinger at the same time. It's a wow experience being kadept of soon-to-be holder of lembaga mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Undip :)

There you are, Fungsio BEM FT 2015. Greatest people of all. Lead by Aul-Luthfi and the koord lits, Adam. Thank you so much Babal-Destin, Lea-Dhikabaik, Lutfi-Dhikajahat, Bobby-Nces, Satriyo-Neta, Yogi-Akmal, Bytta-Emak, Cahya-Cicik, and Ola, for the learning, the laughter, the pusing2 time for renstra dsb, I hope you guys enjoy the last year of being college student, now we're really separated to be back to our own major-home and fight for our graduation. Hope we can graduate asap in the same period :) aamiin see you on top, guys!

If I can turn back time, I’d still choose you guys as a part of my maturing process :)

Monday 28 December 2015

Future Woman Engineering

In this global era, being a woman is so much more challenging. Woman are not always take a part behind a man. When we talk about woman and man in engineering industry, it’d be a different case. Not better, not worse, it’s just different. As I started to build my dream as a soon-to-be engineer since three years ago, and realizing that my graduation is just a year ahead, planning about how to kick start my career path is a need. I want to be a career woman. I have a dream to be part of a multinational company. I thought that I can’t take a major in engineering because I don’t get very well on Math and Physics. However, I found out about industrial engineering. In this field, we learn not only science but also social subjects and trained to see problems from whole perspective and be efficient and effective in every process. As an industrial engineer student, my analytical-thinking skills are upgraded and it’s applicable to many aspects of life. My interest is on supply chain management. I want to manage and improve a lean supply chain management in my company and implement a greener global industry, because I see that industry should take an important action considering its effect to the environment. As I learned lot about management skill, I want to build my career into a manager who has strong leadership skill that make my organization develops passionate talents. I see that there’s so many area that could be explored in engineering and I still look for which area suites me best. My hobby is travelling and I dream about exploring the world, so I look forward to have job that can bring me to travel around the world. Be the inspiration to another woman that being an engineer is not something that seem to be so manly, rude, and unreachable career for woman. I want to prove that we, as a woman, could live a life as a future woman engineer.

Sunday 9 August 2015

My Friend My Adventure

I never chose people who I was gonna meet. I never made a new circle on purpose. However, Thank Allah that He always gives good people around me, they might not be a saint, but they’re also not a total sinner.  So, I met these people. I may call them as the lost family. It’s only lowering the level if I call them just friend, but there’s no eligible condition that proves that we’re sibling. It’s in the midpoint. We’re not a gank indeed but we’re often exploring new things together. People may judge me I am a friend-choosy-kind person. Who cares? Explicitly, people tend to be with someone/people they’re comfort with, it’s natural selection, no one should be offended.
Since 2013, when we all were already ‘dilantik’, we could finally express ourselves freely, less-pressure-ly, and we started to go travelling around our base town, Semarang. Woohoow!!! My first trip was on June, 17th-19th 2013. 

This is the squad: Agil-Pebi-Cahya-Chika-Mukti-Me-Mega-Qiqi

Morning view from our guest house roof top

The first trip to Ketep Pass, that’s the view

Second day we went to Pok Tunggal Beach in Gunung Kidul, Jogja

In the night, we milk ourselves in Kalimilk, Jogja

Well unfortunately, we planned to go to Dieng the next day, but the road is closed and our car couldn’t be passed through because of the landslide in the middle of the route to Dieng. So, we were stopped only at Gardu Pandang Tieng. Buuuuttt, we didn’t feel really bad because all the way long there, we satisfied our lungs to breath as much as fresh air, our eyes to be dazzled with the natural painting of Allah, and our minds to have a clearer thoughts at the moment.


This is the dept 4 2012 squad only, happy us!

Still in 2013, I have two more adventure experiences. It’s on October, 20th 2013. As I remember, the trip wasn’t scheduled well, we’re just spontaneously bored by the daily routine and need a refreshing. We went to Taman Sari and Pok Tunggal beach (again), very random, and again both of them located in Jogja. Jogja….

That wasn’t a picture from Google loh ya~

The (un)cool boys


By the afternoon, we spent time in the beach again and having so many shoots and also caught up the golden sun set. And I just realized that on that day was actually Bram’s birthday! So after we back, other friends already set up a prank for him. Poor him.

And I still wondering why I became the one who held the cake -_-

          Laaaassst! In 2013. FINALLY WE GOT DIENG! We separated into two team, the mobil team and the rider team. We rented a house for a night, went hiking to Sikunir hill, got the sun rise, captured the natural painting of God from near like common paintings about mountain became real right in front of my eyes, saw the Beauty Telaga Warna, felt the sulphur fog from a crater, and had a candid-able chit chat on a green grass by the Pandawa Lima temple. DIENG WAS SO AWESOME NOT ONLY BECAUSE OF ITS NATURE BUT ALSO BY ITS CULTURE. There’s a catchy myth from Dieng about Gimbal Kids that I still feel curious about till now, but I felt overwhelmed I ever saw one of them from near and they’re actually exist. Dieng is totally deserves the ‘Negeri Di Atas Awan’ title, for its weather which can be reach minus Celcius degree in the cold season, and its highest village in all over Java land.


On December 2014, I had my second hiking experience to mount Prau, again and again it’s in DIENG! It was the nine of us and only the three girls in the squad. There’s a sad story behind, the one who initiate to go hiking to Prau was Mukti, and in the morning we woke up on the top of it, actually that day was Mukti’s birthday. But unfortunately, none of us remember that untiiil we already got back again in Semarang -_- So, HERE WE ARE!


Mesmerized style

Sun rises from Mount Prau

Our foggy tent

Let’s have breakfast on top

Blessed having them

Our route

      Well well well, these are some pictures describing my KKL (Kuliah Kerja Lapangan) to Bali-Lombok on January 26th – 31st 2015. KKL almost the same like so called study tour and it was 20% kuliah 80% jalan-jalan. 

Bekasi bright generation

With the EOs of our KKL and the two of EOs for batch anniversary party

And this year! I had a blast marathon trip to Mount Andong and Wediombo beach in Gunung Kidul, Jogja. It’s on May 1st – 3rd 2015.   Mount Andong was not that high and the trek was easy so didn’t need much time to get to its top. And as always, the tiring feel were paid by the magnificent scenery on top. The soft-cold-breeze hypnotized us. On the beach, we built tents and had one night there. No signal, no electrical, get lost for a while.

At the top of mount Andong

Mount team: Qiqi-El-Iyo-Agil-Mukti-Adhit-Judin-Adri-Bram

50 Shades of Trees

We're on the top of the world!

On the way to Wediombo, so tired riding from Magelang to Gunung Kidul, get rest on the street like we don’t care

Beach team: Adhit-Mukti-Bram-Judin-El-Nisa-Iyo-Me-Agil

I would never have those kind of experiences if their life path didn’t cross mine or it’d never be the same if I went travel with another people. Same place, different people, different story. It’s not the trip that made the adventure, it’s the friend, us, who made the adventure. We own it, young pals!